Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Confirm Your Facebook Page Category

Heads up Facebook page admins - your page's category is now featured at the top of your business page, beneath the name of the page. This will help Facebook users better identify at first glance what type of page they are seeing. Now's your chance to confirm and/or change that category. You may see a message that asks you to "Confirm Your Page Category" next time you view your page:

You can use the two dropdown menus to edit the group (general) and category (specific) that classifies your page. Then click "Update Category." If the group and category shown are what you want, you can click "Update Category" without making a change. When Facebook switched to the new pages format, many page categories changed to an incorrect or generic type, so this is a good opportunity to make sure your page is listed correctly. The type of group and category that you choose affects the type of information on your Info tab, so if you do decide to change your group and category, be sure to check on the Info tab and make sure that the information displayed there is accurate and everything looks OK. If you'd like to update the categories in the future, click "Edit Page," "Basic Information" and then you'll see the same dropdown menus.


  1. Thanks for the heads up, however I can't remove the banner permanently.
    I've changed the category and clicked Update - then it goes. But when I return to my personal page and then back to the fan page it once again appears.
    I've also simply clicked the X that only that the same temporary effect.
    My final attempt was under Edit Page and General Information but once again I returned to my personal page to then return back to my fan page to find the category banner showing.
    Any ideas - it's very annoying.

  2. That's a great question and one I'm afraid I don't have an answer to. Facebook has just rolled out this change, so they'll probably be pushing it hard for a few days and then it will go away. Like any change in Facebook, it's bound to be buggy for a little while. The banner hasn't even shown up yet for more than half of the pages I manage. The good news about the Category banner is that only admins, not people who like the page, can see the banner. So although it is annoying, you're the only person being annoyed by it. My advice is to just ignore it for now, operate as usual and wait for this little glitch to get cleared up. You can also report it on Facebook's help center or check the "Known Issues on Facebook" page for more info.

  3. Thanks for your help Lauren, always good to know I'm not missing something. As you suggest, I'll just wait for FB to catch up with things.

  4. Absolutely annoying! Answer all you like, and it just keeps coming back. I'm about to lie to them and change all of my categories to something different (and wrong) just in hopes of it going away on my pages. I get the impression that Facebook rarely thinks before acting.

  5. i get the same thing...every time i switch to my page...there it is again. i'm getting tired of it. i didn't mind the initial question. i mind the repetition of it.

  6. It is quite annoying and I can't wait for Facebook to realize their bug and fix it. I have submitted complaints to Facebook about this error - hopefully it will be resolved soon! I still recommend confirming your page category once and then ignoring the banner if you see it again. Changing your page category to a false setting will mess with the information on your info tab, so be careful with that.

  7. It's still there.

  8. I'm sorry to hear that Facebook hasn't fixed this bug for you yet. The header has gone away for all of the pages I manage, so it may be that they are fixing it on a rolling basis. I access my pages on a pretty frequent basis, so perhaps I got it to go away by sheer volume. Reporting it may help as well - the squeaky wheel gets the grease, as they say.

  9. Enough already with the banner, right? I have responded to it on all pages I admin and it is still there. Today is April 20th. Arghhh.

  10. Right! I hope it goes away on your pages soon, Sue.

  11. I am trying to figure out which one I want my page to be. Different pages have different listings on the left of the page ie; Videos, events, etc.
    I want those options there. they are not at the moment on a "Public figure" page. But I promote events and need an events tab there. How Do i know which profile gives you which tabs? thanks if ya know the answer. xo

  12. The page category determines what information blocks are available on the info tab. The items available on the left navigation column are Apps. To add new features (such as Events, Notes, etc), click "Edit Page" (top right corner of your page) then click "Apps" (in the left column). The list of Apps installed on your page will appear. To make them appear on the left column of the page, click "Edit Settings" and then click "Add" and "Okay" for each App you'd like to show on the page. To find and add new Apps, click "Browse more applications" at the bottom of the page, search for apps and install and add them to your page.

    If you continue to have trouble, feel free to email me at
